Need a locker?
~ See Mrs. Littlefield in the Main Office
Student Absences:
Parents/Guardians: Please contact the school at 288-5011 to report an absence on the ‘Attendance Line’--Option 1
It is very important that parents/guardians contact the school, using the above method, when your child is out of school. It is vital that we know when someone is out due to illness, so that our school nurse, Tammy Underwood, can reach out to the family and ensure a safe return to school that will keep us all healthy. Approved list of excused absences according to Maine State Law. MDIHS also accepts legal appointments.
Late to school?
All students must check-in at the Main Office upon arrival, even if tardiness is excused.
Need to be dismissed from school?
Calling or sending a note in the morning allows us to give your student a pass to get out of class at the appropriate time. If a student feels sick once they arrive, they need to be dismissed by our nurse, Tammy Underwood. Students cannot leave the building without permission from a parent/guardian AND checking out at the Main Office.
Forgot something at home?
A parent may drop off items at the main office, and the student will be called down between classes.
Extracurricular Information?
All Extracurricular Information can be found on the Athletics tab on our homepage, Cancellations and changes will be posted by 1pm, or as soon as possible. Want to find out if school is canceled or delayed? Call 288-5011, ext 7, or check our webpage,
Student Absence for 3 days or more of school
It is important to notify the school when your student is going to miss 3 days or more of school. The Extended Absence Form should be completed ahead of time by your student and their teachers. Completed forms are turned in to Mr. Braun’s office.